The Problem:
My Book series was created with the conceptual framework of vegetarianism. This book series utilised the font " China Chop" previously shown. The idea was to discourage readers from eating meat. Currently, in society, the treatment of animals is at times immoral. This drove my book series, where I challenge readers about their habits and routines, and gently imply that a change should occur.
The Idea:
The idea was to create a confronting book series that had an emotional response for the user. The book covers were designed to make individuals question whether their want to consume animals, amplifying the scared emotions that an animal would feel before execution.
The Execution
Through colours, materials, provocative titles and photography I was able to create a visual story associated with death. The result was a cohesive and consistent book series that confronts viewers about animal death. The typography ''ChinaChop" first pulls in viewers' attention before the imagery and then the metal chopping block. 

Content Page
Double Spread Inside Layout

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